These guys are always on the move - thus very hard to photograph. Kinda like this first photo, I am running ahead of them trying to get far enough in front to crouch down and focus the camera and.... too late they are sitting on my shoes. If they aren't running after me they are investigating something or wrestling with each other and the chance of catching them in a nice pose is slim to none.
This is Zema chasing me across our lawn, its gotta be funny to watch for anybody passing by.
These guys look like I just yelled "FREEZE" in a game of freeze tag.
Aurora looking the part of a Princess, while Coco's doing his best macho stance.
Noelle is such a pretty girl.
These two, no matter how many times I asked them to pose, were more interested in taking out our grass. So because they aren't great shots of them, I thought I would show two.
Well wouldn't you know it, after chasing me around making it near impossible to get a good shot, he suddenly decides to strike a pose! Handsome dude!
Sweet Eggnog.
These photos were taken right after they all had a bath so that is why the fur is a little matted and not quite as fluffy in areas.
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